League: Midweek League - 23

Midweek League for 2023

Highland Farm

Really hard going as the fish did not seem to want to feed. Mark and Stevie B both ended up with 3 crayfish


The last midweek of the season!

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Mill Pools – Barby 16/08/2023


A pleasant evening with the occasional swear drifting over the water as Roger was broken off by a true ‘monster’

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 26/07/2023

Although constant rain all evening everyone managed to get into fish. Well done to all who stuck it out in atrocious conditions.

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 05/07/2023

Roger H pestered with Crayfish, hit into a big mirror only to end up with a large scale on his hook.


The fourth instalment of the midweek scene – evenings at Barby are usually good.

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 24/05/2023

Fished 4-18

Antony had his rod pulled into the lake but with help from Stuart managed to get it back. A very pleasant afternoon fishing.

Biggest fish, 7lb Carp by Steve Binder


The second midweek social;

Draw @ 15:00 – Whistle @ 16:00

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Con Club Fisher Folk

Here is a list of the folk who entertain themselves and others (yes we’re looking at you Paul) by meeting up in fair weather and foul to chat, fish and generally be jolly sociable!

If you would like to join the cohort, just let us know as we would be glad of the company.