League: Wednesday League 2021

The Wednesday league for 2021

Flecknoe, 25th August

Mark Exley has his first double figure fish. Well done Mark!

Harty caught a perch on just a rubber band.

A bit hard going for some where the fish were all on the top.

This was the final Wednesday Social match of the season, with Steve Whitehead Snr topping the rankings.

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Mill Pools, 4th August

Paul Hale had his rod smashed up bringing in his 11 pounder. Mark Exley has his best bag to date. Roger found it a bit hard going.

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Home Farm, Napton – 14th July

Roger lost a brute that wouldn’t come to the surface.

Harty by admission had his worst day ever having only 3 bites all day!

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Dennetts, Weds June 2nd

Stevie B went for an unplanned swim when setting up and was accused of prebaiting his swim!!

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Barby Banks, Weds 12th May

Steve W drew the favoured peg and made good use of it. Bruce unfortunately drew ‘Scum Bay’.

The first Wednesday evening match of the year, and the reliable Banks! Pegs 36-49

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Con Club Fisher Folk

Here is a list of the folk who entertain themselves and others (yes we’re looking at you Paul) by meeting up in fair weather and foul to chat, fish and generally be jolly sociable!

If you would like to join the cohort, just let us know as we would be glad of the company.