Season: 2021

The 2021 Fishing Season

Steve Binder

Steve has been a core member of the team for a while now. On occasion he channels John Wilson and bags up!

Stuart Cole

I first went fishing with my father when a proper young lad! I had my own rod, reel, box and tackle for my 6th Christmas – and still have some of the same to this day.

Having recently spent about 20 years not fishing, it’s been great to get my tackle all muddy recently with the fine chaps from the Conservative Club.

Never really being a competitive fisherman, it’s been a great start fishing with these chaps as they make you feel welcomed and immediately part of the team.

Looking forward to many more matches and getting to know more of the waters on our doorstep.

Tight Lines!!

Con Club Fisher Folk

Here is a list of the folk who entertain themselves and others (yes we’re looking at you Paul) by meeting up in fair weather and foul to chat, fish and generally be jolly sociable!

If you would like to join the cohort, just let us know as we would be glad of the company.