Season: 2023

The fishing season for 2023

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Old Oak Farm – Barby 04/06/2023

A good day in the sunshine where everyone caught fish. A good day for Bruce.


Welcome back to George’s! Looking forward to a great day fishing.

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 24/05/2023

Fished 4-18

Antony had his rod pulled into the lake but with help from Stuart managed to get it back. A very pleasant afternoon fishing.

Biggest fish, 7lb Carp by Steve Binder


The second midweek social;

Draw @ 15:00 – Whistle @ 16:00

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Bishops Bowl – Bishops Itchington 14/05/2023

Hard going as the fish did not seem to want to feed. Mark and Roger were so laid back they both fell off their chairs!



Welcome back to Bishops Bowl, let hope the ground is a bit better than last time!

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Green Farm – Weedon Lois 23/04/2023

Still early for the bigger fish but at least everyone had some fish. Roger H. went the pretty route via Buckingham!



Remember there is a cafe so we will be taking breakfast orders near the time. Keep an eye on the WhatsApp group to place your orders.

Fishery pellets only for feed, so please bear this in mind if you wish to use pellets.

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 02/04/2023

Hard going with not the expected bags. Stevie B lost a big fish whilst trying to land it.

Roger H got smashed up – by a duck!


Our first visit to the Banks, fishing 36-49 so use the main car park.

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Mill Pools – Barby 12/03/2023

A small turnout for our first match but the weather was still too cold for the fish to feed. Well done to those who did turn out.


This will be our first match of the season, please wear thermals, bobble hats and ski’s, as it’s bound to snow!

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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