21st August, Home Farm Napton

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29th May, Home Farm Napton

Cool but pleasant evening with lots of decent fish caught, and lots lost with Harty only to lose a clonker after playing it for 15 minutes.

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Home Farm – Napton 06/08/2023

Some good sized fish came out, lovely condition as well! Jim grabbed the best of the day. A beauty at 11lb.

Stu drew the Golden Peg

Our second visit to Napton of the year, but the first Sunday.

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Home Farm – Napton 14/06/2023

The third midweek social takes us back to Napton.

Draw at 15:00

Whistle at 16:00 – fish until 21.00?

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Home Farm – 28-08-22

Steve and Paul had a lovely 9lb carp each (not the same one) – everyone caught and overall we had a good weight between us.

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Napton – 06-07-2022

A low turnout due to working, hols and other commitments. Those who fished all caught with Stuart having a field day with 2 net fulls

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Home Farm, Napton – 14th July

Roger lost a brute that wouldn’t come to the surface.

Harty by admission had his worst day ever having only 3 bites all day!

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