Season: 2023

The fishing season for 2023

Dog Lane Fishery – Napton 22/10/2023


A big thankyou to Stuart who arranged and donated all the refreshments for the day and conducted the intermediate weighs.

Well done to all those who attended making it the first full compliment of members.

This completes our 2023 season and now looking forward to next year.


Our first trip for a Long Time to Dog Lane – and our last match, the ‘Fur and Feathers’

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Barby Banks – Barby 17/09/2023

Steve Whitehead had the most success. Stevie B got broke up on 10lb line by a clonker which took off and refused to come in.


The penultimate of the season

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Highland Farm

Really hard going as the fish did not seem to want to feed. Mark and Stevie B both ended up with 3 crayfish


The last midweek of the season!

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Mill Pools – Barby 16/08/2023


A pleasant evening with the occasional swear drifting over the water as Roger was broken off by a true ‘monster’

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Home Farm – Napton 06/08/2023

Some good sized fish came out, lovely condition as well! Jim grabbed the best of the day. A beauty at 11lb.

Stu drew the Golden Peg

Our second visit to Napton of the year, but the first Sunday.

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 26/07/2023

Although constant rain all evening everyone managed to get into fish. Well done to all who stuck it out in atrocious conditions.

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Barby Marshes – Barby 16/07/2023

Brollies needed for most of the day with silver fish being the main catch, with Caro few and far between.

Low bags for all.


We have our first visit to the Marshes for a couple of years.

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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Barby Banks – Barby 05/07/2023

Roger H pestered with Crayfish, hit into a big mirror only to end up with a large scale on his hook.


The fourth instalment of the midweek scene – evenings at Barby are usually good.

Draw @ 15:00

Whistle @ 16:00

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Mill Pools – Barby 25/06/2023

A slow start bit it picked up later on. Their water was heavy with green algae creating tough conditions. Paul’s only decent fish was 1 minute before the whistle yet again.



Our second Sunday at the Mill Pools – promises to be good!

Draw @ 09:00

Whistle @ 10:00

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